It may feel like medical marijuana is never coming to Kentucky, but we don’t think it will be long before you’re able to get a Kentucky Marijuana Card.
Consider that 91% of Americans support medical marijuana, 90% of Kentuckians agree, and 36 U.S. states and four territories have medical marijuana markets. Now think about how hard it’s going to be to suppress medical marijuana legalization attempts going forward with that kind of public support and momentum.
And when you consider how close recent attempts at legalizing medical marijuana in Kentucky have come, it seems more and more like just a matter of time before medical grass comes to the Bluegrass State. That’s not only good news for Kentuckians with qualifying conditions; the fact is that legalizing medical marijuana would benefit the entire state.
So even if you’re not a big believer in democracy and don’t think it’s a big deal if 90% of Kentuckians don’t have a government that responds to their beliefs, there are still some very good reasons why Kentucky should have legal access to medical marijuana
Medical Marijuana Could Bring Relief to Countless Kentuckians
Of course the primary beneficiaries of medical marijuana are those patients who suffer from qualifying conditions that can be treated with cannabis.
It has been more than a year-and-a-half since the State House passed HB 136, a medical marijuana law. Before the Senate could consider the bill, the legislative session was disrupted by COVID, and as of yet supporters of medical marijuana in the State Legislature have been unable to regain that lost momentum.
That means that Kentuckians who suffer from the qualifying conditions listed in HB 136 have continued to endure their conditions without the option of finding relief through medical marijuana. That sad fact becomes even sadder when you consider that the four qualifying conditions specifically named by HB 136 all can be safely and effectively treated with cannabis:
And if your condition isn’t a qualifying one, don’t lose hope. First, we have no way of knowing if the final medical marijuana law Kentucky ends up with will resemble HB 136, and that bill contains procedures for adding more conditions to the list.
Beyond Relieving Qualifying Conditions, Medical Marijuana Helps with Overall Health and Wellbeing
Beyond the clinically proven ability to alleviate certain specific conditions, medical marijuana can also improve your overall health and wellbeing. True, you won’t be able to buy medical marijuana unless you have a qualifying condition, but you’ll be able to enjoy some additional benefits if you do.
Marijuana can alleviate a number of sleep disorders.
CBD has been shown to slow the spread of cancer, and some studies have found that THC and CBD can even shrink cancerous tumors.
Marijuana helps reduce anxiety symptoms and the need for other anti-anxiety medications according to research published by the American Psychological Association.
Marijuana users are likely to be skinnier and to process sugars better than non-users.
Marijuana may help improve lung function.
And weekend warriors and elite athletes alike have started maximizing their workouts with marijuana.
Medical Marijuana is Good for a State’s Economy
Predicting exactly how good medical marijuana would be for our economy is difficult to say. The Tax Foundation, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank that is generally opposed to new and higher taxes, predicts that we could see an additional $80+ million in tax revenue if Kentucky were to legalize adult use marijuana, but 1) that’s just a guess, and 2) the revenue collected from a medical marijuana market alone would obviously be significantly less than that.
Still, while we cannot make any exact predictions as to the amount of economic activity that would result from a medical marijuana market in Kentucky, we know it would be a boost to the state’s economy.
As Jared Moffat of the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), a pro-legalization advocacy group, told Newsweek, “Before legalization, money from cannabis sales flowed through an underground market that endangered public safety and disrupted communities. But now, we see all across the country that revenue from the legal cannabis industry is supporting schools, health care, and a range of other beneficial public programs.”
And that’s to say nothing about the lowered law enforcement and prison costs, the new construction needed to build processing plants and dispensaries, and the new jobs created to staff those newly constructed businesses.
Medical Marijuana Can Help Restore Hope
But the real value in medical marijuana is in how it can restore hope to those who have lost it and bring relief to those who have known none.
Or as an Alabama father whose daughter suffers from severe seizures said about the medical marijuana market being created in that state, “There’s a lot of people that are desperate to find new treatments. And if their physician is willing to help them with it, then this gives them hope. So it’s really for the people that are suffering.”
Can Medical Marijuana Help You?
Kentucky may not have a medical marijuana market yet, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get ready for when it does.
Reserve an evaluation with one of our knowledgeable, compassionate doctors, and we’ll book an appointment for you just as soon as Kentucky’s medical marijuana market is up and running.
You’ll meet with your doctor virtually via a telemedicine appointment using your smartphone or computer. Together, you’ll discuss your condition and decide if medical marijuana is right for you. You’ll even save $25 off the cost of the appointment!
Doctors Who Care. Relief You Can Trust.
Helping everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.
If you have any questions, call us at (833) 781-6360, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!
Check out Kentucky Marijuana Card’s Blog to keep up to date on the latest medical marijuana news, tips, and information. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to join the medical marijuana conversation in Kentucky!
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