Kentucky Medical Marijuana Nearest Dispensary Locations
Marijuana Dispensaries Near Me
Kentucky medical marijuana dispensaries will be open soon and selling medical marijuana products to qualified Kentucky patients in the state of Kentucky! ​​
Closest Dispensary to Me​
Most Kentucky medical marijuana patients will live within 30 minutes or less of a medical marijuana dispensary. And with the number of places to shop for cannabis more than doubling in the near future, you are certain to find a medical marijuana dispensary near you!​
​Licensed medical cannabis dispensaries will be located throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Specific dispensary locations will be required to be located further than 1,000 feet of an existing elementary or secondary school or a daycare center and may be subject to additional restrictions by local governments.
Additionally, the Kentucky Medical Cannabis Program is providing a zoning tool to assist proposed cannabis businesses, local governments, and citizens with evaluating where cannabis businesses may be located. The tool can be found here​.
Where Will Kentucky’s First Dispensaries Be Located?
The Kentucky Office of Medical Cannabis is designing a well-distributed dispensary network to ensure accessibility for patients across the state. While the exact locations of all dispensaries are still being finalized, here is the full list of companies who have received licenses as of early January, 2025. Keep in mind that this list may change as time goes on:
Region 1 – Bluegrass (without Fayette)
Canntucky Ventures LLC – Frankfort, Franklin County
Garry Kort – Richmond, Madison County
Robert Hoogendyk – Richmond, Madison County
Thriveblue LLC – Georgetown, Scott County
Region 1 – Bluegrass (Fayette ONLY)
DHK KY LLC – Lexington, Fayette County
ZenLeaf, Inc. – Lexington, Fayette County
Region 2 – Kentuckiana (without Jefferson)
DNP-DH KY, LLC – Shepherdsville, Bullitt County
KY PRISTINE VISTAS LLC – Shepherdsville, Bullitt County
DJS KY LLC – Shelbyville, Shelby County
Pinnacle Path LLC – Shepherdsville, Bullitt County
Region 2 – Kentuckiana (Jefferson ONLY)
Chung Woo Kim, LLC – Louisville , Jefferson County
Upward Innovations – Louisville, Jefferson County
Region 3 – Northeast
RTZ 20 LLC (DBA: RTZ 20) (Boyd Co.)
Boarder Construction LLC (Boyd Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).​)​​
Bluegrass Blooms LLC (DBA: Bluegrass Blooms) (Boyd Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).​)
Southern Green Wellness LLC (Montgomery Co.)
Region 4 – South Central
Zeus Agoraios LLC (Simpson Co.)
AR-MO-KY-MS Cannabis Ventures LLC (Warren Co.)​​
PROMO PULSE LLC (Warren Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).​)
FLOWER RADAR LLC (Warren Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).​)
Region 5 – Cumberland
​JM Medicinals LLC (Russell Co.) ​
ERH KY LLC (Pulaski Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).​) ​
No 1 Boundary LLC (Whitley Co.) (DBA No. 1 Boundary)
Region 6 – Mountain
​Kentuckyzen LLC (Pike Co.)
HYE Property Management LLC (Powell Co.)
REED DISPENSARY LLC (Pike Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).​) ​
Region 7 – Pennyrile
ARKY Capital Investments LLC (Lyon Co.)
River City Relief House LLC (Lyon Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).)
DPDMJF Cannabis Holding Company LLC (Lyon Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).)​
Mallard Club LLC (Christian Co.)
Region 8 – West Kentucky
​OM MED LLC (McCracken Co.) ​
KY-CannCo LLC (McCracken Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).​)
Leiber Canna II LLC (McCracken Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).​)​
Green4U LLC (Graves Co.)
Region 9 – Lincoln Train
​Barrio Capital Partners LLC (Hardin Co.)
Thoroughtrek LLC (Hardin Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).​)​
Wynn Win LLC (Hardin Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).​)​
NGHKC (Hardin Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).​)​​​
​​Region 10 – Northern Kentucky
Nicole Tirella (Campbell Co.)
Bluegrass Cannacare LLC (Boone Co.)
GREEN GRASS CANNABIS LLC (Kenton Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).​)​​​
Region 11 – Green River
​Bungalow House LLC (Daviess Co.)
CP INVESTMENT LLC​​ (Daviess Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).​)​
OTC KY 3 LLC (DBA: OTC KY 3) (Henderson Co.)
Tree Soft LLC (Henderson Co. - will need to change location per 915 KAR 1:020, Section 3(3).​)​​